Thursday, June 23, 2011

Halabja monument

Halabja is where Saddam Hussein killed over five thousand Kurds and destroyed a whole town in just a few hours. Men, women, and children were killed in cold blood merely for being Kurds. There are numerous museums and monuments all over Kurdistan to commemorate those that lost their lives, and this is one of them, the actual graves of some of them, right in the middle of the city where it happened:

The Kurdish government gives monthly salaries to all the families who lost a loved on during that tumulus time in Kurdish history, and the effects of the chemicals still live on today. Many of my family members live in Halabja, and we have over 6 people in the family who are infertile because of their exposure to the chemicals.

Saddams Bath party are the ones that carried out the chemical attacks on the Kurds:

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