Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Compare and Contrast

These are pictures that compare and contrast the way Silemani has modernized the past decade, but how certain elements wills till never change.

New, modern roadways built in the past 3 years:

Messed up roadways not yet redone, in the car repair area:

New shopping center:

One of the older shopping area's in bazar, shops and cart vendors:

New food, pizza and shawrma:

Traditional Kurdish food, lamb skins stuffed with biryani (not eaten very much anymore):

New dessert:

Traditional Dessert:


  1. Shine, Bring me food NOW!! This looks very good, especially the Turkish Delight. How does it taste when its fresh? I wonder if its any different than the ones you get packaged because there are probably less preservatives and such in it. Any differences? This reminds me so much of Pakistan Shine, seriously, so similar you wouldn't believe.

  2. Yeah we are bringing a box of those desserts back inshallah, I'll deff save some for you! We also got some dried fruit, like you liked!
